Friday, March 25, 2011

Sick day

Being sick was never NEARLY as useful as it has been since I started The Book. Dang. Now I get to sit here, eating crackers and drinking tea and feeling sorry for myself, AND writing! I've been taking some time to read things aloud, just to double-check and make sure that I don't repeat the same words over and over, as I have the tendency to do.

So, it's a checking, a double-checking, and a triple-checking. I have gone back through and re-written some passages that were in dire need thereof, so though I'm not making much "progress," I am certainly getting a lot done.

(As you might infer, jury duty has ended, and it was a great case and I feel completely happy with the verdict we rendered. In no way would I EVER wish to be a lawyer or a court reporter or a judge. DUDE. I would hate that.)

So, just a basic update, but things are going, and they're going pretty well. :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lately . . .

. . . I have been sitting on my butt a great deal, out of reach of all technology except for that to which I lack access . . . In other words, I've been randomly selected to serve on a jury that may last as long as a month. So much for me!

Fortunately, I have been using the small incidents of spare time I can snatch from the air to work on The Book. I have also come to several conclusions! See below:

1. It is my belief that it will have to be published -- if it ever is, that's a bold assumption -- in at least 2 sections. I prefer 3, naturally -- following the pattern of J. R. R. Tolkien, specifically. The TRUE three-volume novel, of which Miss Prism speaks. It is currently divided into 3 PARTS, as I mentioned previously, but now I'm thinking that each will have to be truly separate, if it is to be at all readable. Nobody would wish to invest time or money in something that, though supposedly fiction, reseambles the condensed version of the Oxford-English Dictionary. Awesome though it may be.

2. I have made a great deal of progress on one of the pivotal plot devices! It is rather exciting. My heart rate was increasing as I was writing it! I certainly hope that's a good sign and not a portent of future hospitalization . . .

There. Two points, and that's what's up. I hope I'm learning something on jury duty; I'm not sure. At least there are some interesting* people to observe.

That's all, folks!

* Aka, quite attractive.