Wednesday, September 22, 2010

So, I lied.

Welll, I have to re-post and say: if you want a tidbit more, and you know me, just comment here and let me know. I'll send you an example. I've (obviously) deleted what I had after my "YOUR BLOG HAS BEEN DELETED" scare, and also I'm not going to post any more excerpts...None that are too long, anyway. So, my blog is going to become all talk and very little action, I'm afraid. However -- perhaps there SHALL be something to talk about. :)


  1. Congratulations! I am super impressed by how much progress you're making!

    If you want to send me something, feel free -- though definitely don't feel like you have to! :)

    BTW -- where is that "don't speak slightingly" quote from? I KNOW I know it but can't place it!

  2. Hahaha, it's the inimitable Oscar Wilde. Miss Prism from The Importance of Being Earnest. LOVE it. :P
